Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"We Remember Jersey City Rapper "Duttch Mastah"

 We at Pink Ink Entertainment were disturbed to find out that one of our livest performers from our June.24th event, Ardell "Duttch Mastah" Blake, was taken from us on Wednesday, Sept. 7 2010 and we wanted to take time out and everyday that we can to remember him and his amazing spirit as a performer and a human being. Without going into detail we ask that everyone who's eyes reads this and heart has felt a lose or know someone who has to please pray for his four children and the rest of those who loved him. Please spread the word and remember that violence is never the answer. We cannot continue to kill each other but instead unite and find success.  STOP GUN VIOLENCE!!!!!


Duttch's music and memory will live on through Pink Ink Entertainment and we'd like to dedicate our next show to his memory! To learn more about Duttch Mastah and to listen to his music you can visit :

Monday, September 20, 2010

What is Pink Ink Entertainment!????

Welcome to Pink Ink Entertainment's Blog!
"We believe that when life throws you lemons, that of course you must make lemonade, but not just any kind, We make PINK LEMONADE! "
Contrived, Created and thrown together by yours truly, Miss.Cassandra, I decided to create the entertainment company of my dreams. Pink Ink Entertainment is an all female company who's mission is to plan and execute amazing events showcasing the great Pop, Hip Hop, and Soul & R&B talent that the world has to offer. Located in New York, we plan to expand and paint the music industry "Pink"!!!

  The Pink Ink blog will pull together the events and opinions of the entertainment company and also keep you locked into what we're up to! Our love for music and amazing events will keep you guys coming back for more. You'll experience and enjoy our sassy & uncensored opinions on "What's hot?" and "whats most certainly not!" We'll talk music, fashion, and events and will most certainly keep you guys tuned in to the Pink Ink Girls!!!~

Pink Ink Entertainment was created to draw attention to fresh new talent, who we feel deserves more credit and recognition than what they’re currently getting in today's crazy industry.  If you feel your music deserves to be featured on our blog, please submit your work, along with photos, and tell us what you want our readers to know about you and what makes you the next to shine! 
Send Music/Links:

Contributors (Pink Ink Entertainment):
Cassandra "Miss.Cassandra" Archer
Jamaica, New York 
CEO/Brand Manager 


Chevon "Che Che" Smith
Brooklyn, New York
Public Relations 


Iesha Chevry
Long Island, New York
Fashion/Design Assistant
